Thursday 13 November 2014

How to pass data table as a parameter in SQL server -procedure?

     For doing this you must create a table type user variable (User defined table type in sql server) . Please note that, the type should be in your data table structure, I mean its type. Means data types of fields man :)

here is the code for create table type in SQL server.

CREATE type dbo.categorytabletype AS TABLE 
( categoryid INT, categoryname NVARCHAR(50) ) 

here categorytabletype  Is my table type
        categoryid and categoryname  Are fields of table type variable followed by its data type

Simply like table creation

let us start to create our procedure with this table type parameter

CREATE PROCEDURE Usp_updatecategories 
(@tvpNewCategories dbo.categorytabletype READONLY)
@tvpNewCategories LIKE A TABLE HERE*/

Don't forget about  READONLY , He is an important one, Table type parameter should be readonly.

Thank you :)

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