Monday 24 November 2014

How to get group wise data from Datatable in C#?

Hi, If you face the problem  till now, don't worry I have a solution.,

if you have the data like this ....

id|empName |designation
1 |john    |manager 

2 |manu    |ast.manager 
3 |mathew  |accountant 
4 |sree    |ast.manager

And need to group this by designation?  The given LINQ C# code will help you to solve this

var EmData = from row in dtEmpData.AsEnumerable()
group row by new
des = row.Field<string>("designation")

} into g
select new
designation = g.Key.des,
ColumnValues = g

:) By using two for each statements will help you guys to traverse through these record

foreach (var k in EmData)
      // you can access designation by using   k. designation

     foreach (var columnValue in k.ColumnValues )
      // access group by result [Employee details] through this expression   columnValue["id"]


:) Thank you.

Sunday 23 November 2014

How to get details of all newly restored databases from SQL server?

Here is the code to get all restored databases in SQL server.

WITH lastrestores
     AS (SELECT DatabaseName = [d].[name],
                RowNum = Row_number()
                           OVER (
                             partition BY d.NAME
                             ORDER BY r.[restore_date] DESC)
         FROM   master.sys.databases d
                LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.[restorehistory] r
                             ON r.[destination_database_name] = d.NAME)
FROM   [lastrestores]
WHERE  [rownum] = 1 

Just paste this code to query window and execute,. Its results the restored database list.


Friday 14 November 2014

Create Trigger in SQL server

A lazy developer should know about Trigger ;) , Now we are going to learn.. :P Not learn just know How to create trigger in SQL server.

here is the structure ,    
CREATE TRIGGER trigname ON mytable
  /* Trigger Body*/

Here    trigname is my trigger name
            mytable is my table name
            INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE you can use either single from these.
if you want to trigger your code in both  INSERT and UPDATE , you can use  them like this  INSERT,UPDATE [Separate by comma (,)].

Please not that , Instead of  FOR you can use   AFTER | INSTEAD OF  these guys as per your needs.


You can access the inserted guys in trigger if you want  by using this


SELECT @MyVariable = I.myfield
FROM   inserted I; 

 :) eee

Thursday 13 November 2014

How to pass data table as a parameter in SQL server -procedure?

     For doing this you must create a table type user variable (User defined table type in sql server) . Please note that, the type should be in your data table structure, I mean its type. Means data types of fields man :)

here is the code for create table type in SQL server.

CREATE type dbo.categorytabletype AS TABLE 
( categoryid INT, categoryname NVARCHAR(50) ) 

here categorytabletype  Is my table type
        categoryid and categoryname  Are fields of table type variable followed by its data type

Simply like table creation

let us start to create our procedure with this table type parameter

CREATE PROCEDURE Usp_updatecategories 
(@tvpNewCategories dbo.categorytabletype READONLY)
@tvpNewCategories LIKE A TABLE HERE*/

Don't forget about  READONLY , He is an important one, Table type parameter should be readonly.

Thank you :)

Friday 7 November 2014

Minimize a form in C#

   You can minimize your C# form by clicking on  a cancel button.

Here is the code

     private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;

Here  btnCancel : is my cancel button

Thank you.

Thursday 6 November 2014

How to register dll in windows 7 64 bit

Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Paste your  dll in SysWOW64 folder [Eg path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64 ]

Run cmd [Command Prompt] as Administrator: set path to SysWOW64

Enter regsvr32 Mydll.dll

here Mydll is My dll name

Press enter , If there is a successful massage, you did bro :)

Click here for 32 bit

Thank you :)

Tuesday 4 November 2014

How to register dll in windows 32 bit OS?

Paste your  dll in System32 folder [Eg path: C:\\Windows\System32  ]
Run cmd [Command Prompt] as Administrator: set path to system32

Enter regsvr32 Mydll.dll

here Mydll is My dll name

Thank you :)

Monday 3 November 2014

Declare veriable in oracle procedure.

Hi, today I am talking about variable decleration inside a procedure....

CREATE OF replace PROCEDURE procedure_name 
      p_parameter type[VARCHAR(20)];
     v_variables number(10);  

here v_variables is my variable in number datatype. Just look at that he is lies in between AS and BEGIN keywords.

How to acess sqlplus in command prompt?

here is the code

Enter username : Username
Enter password : Password

here HOST NAME : My database name
and Password are Credentials of user have permission to acess corresponding database.

Thanks ;)

Saturday 1 November 2014

How to recover SQL Server database from suspect?

Hi friends,  May you face the situation, that your database in SQL Server shows in  suspect mode


Now I have a solution for that, Just try this  may it will help you guys to recover it.
here is the code ...

EXEC Sp_resetstatus 'AgriculturalDB';
ALTER DATABASE agriculturaldb SET emergency
DBCC checkdb('AgriculturalDB') ALTER DATABASE agriculturaldb
SET single_user WITH ROLLBACK immediate
DBCC checkdb ('AgriculturalDB', repair_allow_data_loss)
ALTER DATABASE agriculturaldb SET multi_user 

here .AgriculturalDB  Is my suspected database name 

Simple one na, Khush karooo :)