Wednesday 23 May 2018

what is deployment slot in azure ?

Deployment slot allows to deploy application in azure with different versions and Urls. We could setup deploy staging version with production but in different slot. And allows to share requests for testing purposes. If the staging sets to fly, easily swap the production and staging version without any file transfer.

What is an Azure resource group?

A resource group is simply an identifier that Azure Resource Manager applies to resources to group them together. This resource group ID allows Azure Resource Manager to perform operations on a group of resources that share this ID.

NB : A resource group cannot include resources from different subscriptions.

Saturday 30 December 2017

How to install angular js using cmd?

We required node js and npm [node package manager] to install angular js.

Lets first verify those prerequisites are installed or not.
Open your command prompt.
node -v  to check node js is installed or not
npm -v to check npm is installed or not 

Check node js and npm is installed or not

If node js and npm installed, type 

npm install @angular/cli -g  
to install angular js on your machine.

Install angular js using cmd : npm install @angular/cli -g

How to update npm [Node Package Manager]?

Open your command prompt,

First, lets check we have installed npm or not. type npm -v on your command prompt.

Check version of npm : npm -v

Now we got the installation version. Here my version is 5.6.0

Lets update npm by using this command,

npm i -g npm

Update npm : npm i -g npm

Saturday 26 March 2016

Open form with Form Name in winform appliaction

When we have only the form name and need to show / open the particular form after we clicked on a button or a menu strip is dynamically created, we need some dynamic code to handle the situation.

Here is the solution to open the particular form dynamically,

string  _formName ="MyForm";
System.ReflectionAssembly _asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
var _frm = (Form)(_asm.CreateInstance(this.GetType().Namespace+"."+ _formName));


 var _frm = (Form)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(this.GetType().Namespace+"."+  _formName));


Friday 24 July 2015

[Solved] ORA-20003: ORU-10036: object is invalid and cannot be described ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DESCRIBE",

Hi, I got this error because of my previous post...  ;)

ORA-20003: ORU-10036: object is invalid and cannot be described ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_DESCRIBE",

But finally I got a solution, .. that here I post..

This will happens when we made operations such as upgrades, patches and DDL changes are  invalidate schema objects, so we need to recompile these invalidate object for further processing.

We can solve it manually like this,







Also there is a another method, I used it because ....... ;)

 Login in SQL plus as SYSDBA and execute utlrp.sql file.

Don't worry copy this ....      @?\rdbms\admin\utlrp.sql       :D

How to change not null column to null ?

 Here is the code ...


Here I change my DRIVER_LICENCE_No  field to  nullable.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Get serial number with select query

Yes,  We can select serial number / record number with our selected result from sql server , Its very easy , here is the code

              Department ,
FROM    EmployeeMaster
WHERE  Active = 1

Here I used  ROW_NUMBER() function to get  serial number with the ascending order of employee name.  There is an option to get result order against multiple fields like this

ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Department ,EmployeeName)  AS  SlNo 

Sunday 19 July 2015

How to know sql server version and edition?


 We can easily identify the server version and edition by execute an SQL query in SQL server. Here is the code ...

SELECT Serverproperty('Edition')        AS Edition,
       Serverproperty('ProductVersion') AS ProductVersion 

Thursday 16 April 2015

Bind combo box in with Dictionary.

Hi, here I am going to fill my combo box "cmbCategory" with dictionary "_dtcCategory". Its pretty simple

Here is the Code:
       Dictionary < int, string > _dtcCategory = new Dictionary < int, string > ();
       _dtcCategory.Add(0, "       -Select-      ");
       _dtcCategory.Add(1, "Students");
       _dtcCategory.Add(2, "Employees");

       cmbCategory.DataSource = new BindingSource(_dtcCategory, null);
       cmbCategory.DisplayMember = "Value";
       cmbCategory.ValueMember = "Key";

Thursday 12 March 2015

Rename column name in sql server

   Sql server provide a procedure to do this function is SP_RENAME.  

And the code right here,

SP_RENAME 'Book.BookType','FK_BookTypeID','COLUMN';

Here : Book is my table name,having field  BookType. Here I have to rename the field to FK_BookTypeIDCOLUMN is the object -type I need to change.

Monday 15 December 2014

Get last date of month in sql SQL server

here is the solution

SELECT Dateadd(dd, -Day(Getdate()), Dateadd(mm, 1, Getdate())) 

you will get the result like

Replace  Getdate() function with your date will give you the last date that you want.

SELECT Dateadd(dd,-Day('2015/02/16'), Dateadd(mm, 1, '2015/02/16')) 

Result :

Thank you. :)

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Get insert query from selected data in toad?

    Now am here to tell about insert script generation from toad software. here is the steps ...

Step 1 : Write your query in editor window.

Step 2 : Click select all button in script output.

Step 3 : Right click on grid header and click Export Dataset.

Step 4 : Select export format as Insert statement. Add output path with name. Also provide table name

Step 5 : Click Ok button . You can get your insert statement from the path you specified.

Thank you. happy coding  :)